
1 lb ground meat (of your choice)
1/2 cup unseasoned breadcrumbs (I process my own sourdough breadcrumbs)
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
1/4 cup parsley, rough chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 clove garlic, finely minced
salt and pepper to taste*

Mix all ingredients together.  Hand form into small balls (they need to fit on a sandwich) or use a cookie scoop to form into balls.  Something about using a cookie scoop to form meat makes me shudder, but that’s a decision every cook must make for herself. Cook meatballs in a pan preheated to medium high to get a good sear for 1-2 minutes on each side until seared all around and cooked to your liking.  I test by sacrificing one and cutting that one open.

*I use @ 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt for this and maybe 1/2 tsp worth of fresh pepper grinds, but start with 1 tsp of kosher salt or 1/2 tsp iodized table salt, and make a tester patty.  Basically cook about 1/2 tsp dollop of meat, should take about 30 seconds, and eat that.  That way you can assess the seasoning before all the meatballs are made.  Salting them afterwards just isn’t the same.

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